Friday, January 25, 2013

Update - January 25, 2013

We all know cancer is an awful disease with far too many loved being taken away from us too soon.  As of my last writing, my little sister was "cancer free."  Not so now.  Her lymphoma has returned with small tumors showing in her chest cavity, some deep within her pelvic area, and back in the bone morrow of her hips and back.  To what extent is unknown at this point in time.

Her oncologist sent to the Dana Faber Clinic in Boston a couple of months ago to devise a treatment plan.  She cam e away sort of empty-handed.  The doctors have decided to take a "let's wait and see" approach to trying to determine how to go about obtaining a biopsy of the tumors deep within her pelvic area before they know what type of chemo she will have to undergo this time.  A CT scan is setup for February 4, 2013 to see whether or not the tumors in her pelvic are have grown enough to attempt a biopsy.  And if they haven't ... what then?  This is an answer I would love to know.

Needless to say, she did not accept the news of her cancer returning as well as she accepted the news that she had cancer a couple of years ago.  She is trying to stay upbeat, but I can see that it is wearing her down this time around.  I will do my level best to keep her laughing on a daily basis.  Where is Patch Adams when you need him? :-)

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Here we are ... almost 2 years from the day little sister was diagnosed with the "Big C" and she is still in remission. I am still amazed that she does nothing to assist her immune system while in remission. She does not try avoid people with colds, she definitely does not take care of her teeth (What teeth? They have rotted at the gum line.) I often wonder if she has a death wish. Or...maybe she has the right idea by not letting her disease define her persona. No matter what the case may be, I am totally thrilled to continue having my little sister in my life - even if she does drive me crazy with her stubbornness.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Long-time coming Update

Wow!  Another 12 weeks has gone by since my last post!  Time does fly when one is having fun.  Or I am???

Little sister finished her chemo treatments about 3 weeks ago, and her latest PET scan showed that all of the tumors are gone.  OH HAPPY DAY!!!  Now, let's keep our fingers crossed that the cancer in her bone marrow is gone as well. 

I caution her daily (it seems that way, anyway) that she is not out of the woods as far as her immune system is concerned because it is still compromised.  She needs to be careful when it comes to people being sick around her.  She promptly tells me to stop nagging, but will I?  NO WAY!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Week 10

Here we are at the end of another term.  Where did the time go?

My sister had to have a CT on Tuesday to determine whether or not the chemo treatments are doing their job.  She called me yesterday with the results.  Get ready to do the "Happy Dance" because her spleen is almost back to its normal size, the huge mass at the end of her thoracic duct is gone, and the cancer in her lymph nodes is dissipating.  Her husband's comment (once they left the building) was, "I just got my Christmas present."  How sweet.  Brings tears to one's eyes, doesn't it?  MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

Now I don't feel so guilty about leaving her.  As my Anatomy & Physiology II Professor stated earlier, "It's not a death sentence." Boy! It sure did feel like one in the beginning.

Have a Merry Christmas and Happier New Yer, everyone.  I hope we all continue our blogs.

Week 9

Well ... the move to from Maine to Michigan is finally done.  The trip was long, and a bit on the stressful side, but Gabriel, the kitties, the dog, and I are safe.  Although, we have to share my son's already cramped little house until I can evict the person who is trespassing in my mobile home.  One set of stressors has been replaced with another.

Little sister got a surprise on Monday when she visited her cancer doctor for what she thought was a routine checkup ... she had to undergo another round of treatments.  At least this time, she didn't get as sick as she usually does.  Maybe she is finally starting to realize that she MUST follow doctor's orders.  What a concept!!

In the meantime, I am feeling extremely guilty about leaving her in her hour of need even though she repeatedly told me that moving would be in my best interest.  Time will tell.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Week 8

Seriously!?!  Week 8 already?  Where did the time go?

My sister is gaining ground day by day this week.  She actually managed to get out of bed Tuesday and get dressed.  This round of treatments really kicked her behind; complete with sores in her mouth, and a raw tongue and throat - all of which are much better.  Today, she actually ate food.  In fact, her appetite was insatiable.  I hope she continues to eat voraciously ... maybe she will gain back the weight she has lost since this treatment and the last one.  I will wager than she is 95 lbs soaking wet, and she started out at 112.  It kills me to watch her suffer, especially when I look at her and see our mother during her battle with colon cancer.  Breaks my heart.  (I miss you so much, Mom.)

My heart is also breaking because I will not be around to make sure she drinks enough liquid, takes her medicine when and how she is supposed to, eats properly, and above all get rest because I am packing up the contents of my house to move to Michigan to live closer to my son (this is his idea, and my sister is demanding that I go).  I will be worrying on a daily basis that her immediately family - hubby and daughters - will stay on top of things.  Lord knows, they are not doing that now.  Heck!  They won't even make sure to cover their mouths when they sneeze or cough around her.  Don't they realize that she now has ZERO immune system.  She can't fight even the weakest of viral or bacterial infections!!!

On a different note, even though I am not looking forward to moving yet again, I am excited about today because my handsome, 6' 3-12" red-headed Irish boy's plane will be touching down at our local airport at 11:00 a.m - complete with his best friend in tow.  Oh Happy Day!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Week 7

I feel so bad for my little sister (funny ... lol ... she's way taller than I am).  She had to be admitted to the hospital Monday for a special kind of chemo treatment that "protects" the cells in her brain just in case the lymphoma wants to run away from its attackers, and head for the hills (so to speak). 

Her treatment consisted of an infusion of Methotrexate Monday night, with the antodote, Leucovorin, given the next day.  I did do research into both so that I could better understand why and also so I could be aware of any side effects she might encounter.  In order to describe the exact workings of the Methotrexate to my reading audience, I would have to have a degree in chemistry - barring this, suffice it to say that this drug does as I explained above, however, it also causes toxic effects to the rapidly-dividing cells of bone marrow and gastrointestinal mucosa.  The Leocovorin is used as a "rescue"  treatment to put the much need folic acid back into the bone marrow and GI tract. 

My poor little Cancer Kid is having an extremely difficult time swallowing anything right now because her throat is raw.  We believe it is due to the treatment.  At least that is what we are hoping.  If not the case, her immune system is totally shot and she has one rip-roaring sore throat due to either a viral or a bacterial infection.  Why is it that no one (in her immediate family) will take steps to make sure she doesn't get their germs?  Am I the only who cares?